
When to Visit a Gynaecologist?

When to Visit a Gynaecologist?

9 Signs that you shouldn’t ignore!

Being a woman can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it can also be a difficult one. There are so many things to take into consideration when it comes to our health and well-being. It may be tempting to ignore some of these things, but this is not a good idea. In today's post, we'll be discussing when you should seek medical attention in order to ensure your health and well-being. You may be surprised to learn that, sometimes, it's not as bad as you think.


The following are nine side effects and circumstances that warrant an excursion to the gynecologist as quickly as time permits.


1. Painful Cramps:

Many women experience extreme discomfort during their monthly menstrual periods. Lower tummy cramps, sore bosoms, and cerebral pains can make those few days appear to endure forever. But what if a period lasts longer and becomes even more painful? That could indicate fibroids or endometriosis, which is a condition in which extra tissue builds up in the uterus and causes bleeding and swelling. These conditions can be diagnosed and treated with the assistance of a gynecologist.


2. Vaginal bleeding: 

It is common for women to experience heavier periods as they get closer to menopause and to experience spotting in the first few months after beginning certain birth control methods. However, if you experience unanticipated vaginal bleeding, such as after menopause, you should see a gynaecologist to determine the cause.


3. Intimacy after a break or first time:

You run a greater risk of developing cancer as a result of an HPV infection, if you are under the age of 18 or if you anticipate having sex with more than one person. And this level of accurate information can be given to you only by a professional gynecologist.If you want to continue having sex after receiving treatment for the STD, a gynecologist will take you through the risk factors involved in it.


4. Bumps in private part:

Contacting a gynecologist is a good idea if you notice or feel a bump in your vagina or a blister in or around your labia, which are the folds of skin that surround the vagina. The bump could be as small as an ingrown hair; however, it could also be a genital wart, which is a small swelling brought on by an STD. A gynecologist can tell you if the problem is minor or serious enough to require ongoing medical care.


5. Breast Pain / Lumps:

A gynecologist can spot if a new lump, sensitivity, or discharge in your breast is dangerous to your health. Especially if you have not gone through menopause, the majority of the time, these conditions are not cancerous.


6. Odour from the private part:

Have you noticed a particularly unpleasant odor emanating from your vagina? Or has the door that you normally get from that area changed partially in an obvious manner and has been lasting for days now? The conversation with your gynecologist makes it seem awkward, but you should talk. It's possible that you have a vaginal infection or bacterial growth that needs to be treated with medication.


7. Pain during intimacy:

Though tough to talk about, be assured that your gynecologist is well-versed in the subject. Let's say you experience dryness while having sex. If you are in your prime age, your gynecologist may alter your birth control prescription to include more of the sex hormoneoestrogen.Your doctor may suggest lubricants or vaginal estrogenic if you have already gone through menopause.

Your gynecologist may recommend a lubricant, a different approach to sex, or another option if you experience pain or bleeding while having sex. She has the answers to your problem.


8. Libido issues:

Medical conditions or heavy medication can sometimes drive down your interest in sex.Stress at work or at home, as well as the length of your relationship, can also stifle your desire.A gynaecologist can tell you why your libido has stopped working and what you can do to get it back.


9. Incontinent urges:

It is possible for women of any age to become incontinent—having an unintentional leak of urine or feces—but it is more prevalent in women in their 50s, 60s, and after menopause. Additionally, it can occur following childbirth, particularly if the baby is large or the physician requires the use of forceps or a vacuum. A gynecologist can refer you to a specialist or suggest treatments like behavioral therapy or muscle relaxation, changing your diet, taking medication, or surgery.

Even though a pelvic exam should be done every year, some symptoms call for an additional visit to the gynecologist.

If you're not sure when you should see a gynecologist, watch for any changes. the color or order of the vaginal discharge changing; sensations like burning or itching; the pain of having sexor on the other hand weighty in the middle between periods mean you ought to set up an arrangement.

Indeed, you must have experienced crippling pain and strangely unusual emotional episodes. All these can be taken care of with a visit. A specialized physician is needed to ensure that your female reproductive organs are in optimal health and to treat you in accordance with your individual characteristics.

Make sure to check out our gynecological services here if you live in Hyderabad.


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