Parenthood is the most beautiful truth of Nature and we at Healix, understand and support you to make this journey enjoyable, simple, hassle-free, and safe!
A couple is considered to have a problem with infertility if they have had one year of unprotected intercourse without conception. Approximately 10 to 15% of all couples have a problem with infertility. The numbers of married couples who are infertile increases significantly with the woman’s age, about 10% of couples are infertile when the woman is less than 30 years old, about 15% at age 30 to 34, about 25% at age 35 to 39 and 35% at age 40 to 45. Pregnancy outcome also is affected by the women's age. The spontaneous abortion rate increases from about 10% until age 30, to 18% in the late 30's and 34% in the early 40's.
There can be multiple causes of infertility: Male factor-40%, cervical factor 10%, Implantation factor-5%, Uterine and Tubal factor-30%, Ovulatory factor-20%, peritoneal factor-20%.
The basic infertility work-up is designed to evaluate each one of these factors in order to identify particular problems, which may be causing infertility. The simpler, less invasive and less costly tests are usually done first.
In general, diagnostic studies, the therapeutic programs and elective procedures are designed to accomplish the above-described objectives and help the couple achieve their goal of having a biologic child. We do not encourage a couple to do procedures that are not feasible for them from an emotional, financial or ethical perspective. Adoption is always an option and should be considered by all couples who have an infertility problem.
We, at Healix hospital, ensure that the patients are provided with the highest standards of care at every stage of their fertility treatment based on their clinical needs.
We offer the following comprehensive and progressive medical care services:
At Healix, we provide a range of investigations & consultative services to understand, assess and diagnose a couple’s fertility issues. Understanding the causes of fertility and understanding them early provides a greater chance of being able to find a treatment and help the couple conceive. Various investigations that are conducted are:
We also provide assessment and evaluation of several infertility problems such as ovulatory dysfunction, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), premature ovarian failure, male infertility problems, endocrinology and genetic conditions.
IUI is a procedure in which carefully washed semen is placed within the uterus using a small catheter through the neck of the womb. The technique is used to get a high concentration of sperm in the reproductive tract to increase the chance of sperm reaching and fertilizing the egg. This procedure is preceded by ovulation induction. On ultrasound monitoring, when the lead follicle reaches 18-20mm, trigger injection (HCG) is given and the IUI is scheduled 36 hours later. It is a simple painless procedure done in the clinic. The procedure takes just a few minutes and daily activities can be resumed immediately afterwards.
IVF is one of the most successful assisted reproduction technologies (ARTs) during which mature eggs from a woman’s ovaries are removed and fertilized with a male partner’s sperm, outside the body, in a laboratory. Since fertilization takes place in a glass culture dish in the lab, the process is called “in vitro.” The fertilized egg is implanted in to the woman’s uterus, where the embryo then develops under natural conditions. Since not every fertilized egg or embryo develops into a pregnancy, doctors usually fertilize multiple eggs, which are then frozen for later use, if required.
ICSI is used to enhance the fertilization phase of in vitro fertilization (IVF) by injecting a single sperm into a mature egg using micro-manipulators. This procedure is an extension of the IVF and is the most successful form of treatment for male infertility issues.
This is the basic treatment in Infertility which involves stimulation of ovulation by medication. Ovulation induction uses hormonal therapy to stimulate egg development and to induce ovulation in women who do not ovulate on their own — typically women with irregular menstrual cycles.
The surplus embryos that have been frozen in the IVF cycle can be successfully transferred in a Frozen Embryo Transfer without having to undergo stimulation of the eggs or egg retrieval. Frozen Embryo Transfer cycle is a relatively simple procedure. The frozen embryos are thawed and replaced in the uterus in a natural cycle or a hormonally supported cycle to improve the lining of the womb.
This is a minor surgical procedure to obtain sperms directly from the testes or the epididymis. This is done under local anesthesia and it is a day care procedure done on the same day of egg retrieval.
Oocyte donation involves fertilizing the oocytes of an anonymous oocyte donor with the husband’s sperm by IVF and then transferring the resultant embryo in to the uterus of the female partner.
Correcting the infertility problems that prevent couples from conceiving.Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy are done when the doctor wants to have additional information about the ovaries, uterus, and the fallopian tubes.